Some sunshine for print, if you see it so

PV Harikrishnan of, and Sarita Varma of Financial Express, have dug out a hopeful sign each for print media. Feel free to trust or distrust
these signals, coming as they do amidst the storm that is battering print.
First, Harikrishnan's find:
The London Evening Standard's readership has leapt to 1.37 million in the last three months of 2009, up from from 556,000 from April to September. The readership figures follow the paper going free on 12 October and boosting its distribution to 600,000 copies.
The NRS figures show that the Standard's proportion of ABC1 readers was 76.7% and that more young people were reading the paper. The proportion of 15-44 year olds has grown from 56.7% to 62%.
But has the move paid off with more advertising revenue? The increase in distribution is costing the Standard a lot of money in newsprint costs.
And this is what Sarita found:
According to the first-ever readership survey of literate Indian youth, commissioned by National Book Trust and conducted by a National Council of Applied Economic Research team led by senior fellow Rajesh Shukla, almost a fourth of the 333-million-odd literate youth in the country get a newspaper at home, and around one in ten subscribe to a magazine.
Even in an age of over a hundred 24x7 news channels, newspapers are seen as the primary source for news & current affairs, with television largely an entertainment medium. The Internet is still in its infancy, and radio is a bigger source of information compared to magazines, even in urban India. And just one in four read leisure (non-syllabus) books.

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