Master Scholarship in Economics / Public Policy Management in Japan (2011-2013) Job Description: Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM) in Tsukuba Univ....rship program for Master Degree in Economics [...] Maters Education Scholarship 2010,US Job Description: Fe....enter to win the Education Scholarship. [...] PhD Thesis Position: Vision based Robot Navigation: a visual attention approach, France Job Description: The 3D vision team of .... multi-cultural [...] PhD Studentships in Innovative Biomedical Technologies, Italy Job Description:The PhD program in "Innovative Biomedical Technologies" (IBT)....e IBT Program offers [...] Fellowships International and Grants 2011/2012, Geneva Job Description: The International Federation of University Women (IFUW) to be carried out between 1 April 2011 to 31 December [...] The James Randi Educational Foundation Scholarship, Fresno Job Description: The ....A committee composed of a physicist, [...] Beasiswa Monbukagakusho Scholarship 2010, Japan Job Description: Pemerintah Jepang memberikan beasiswa Monbukagakusho/Mext kepada siswa-siswi Indonesia lulusan SLTA dan atau sederajat untuk kuliah S1 di Jepang. Program beasiwa ini terdiri dari 3 program (setiap peserta hanya bisa mendaftar 1 program saja). Undergraduate (S-1) Masa studi 5 tahun termasuk 1 tahun belajar Bahasa Jepang (kecuali jurusan kedokteran umum, gigi, hewan, dan sebagian farmasi lama [...] MPSM Scholarships for International Students ,Cyprus Job Description: The Republic of Cyprus is offering up to a total of sixteen (16) full scholarships of 12-months duration to study for the attainment of the Master in Business Administration (MBA) or Master in Public Sector Management (MPSM) title for the academic year 2010-2011. The Universities taking part in the scheme are: the Cyprus International [...] Postdoctoral position in Nuclear Physics, Sweden Job Description: Project Title- Postdoctoral position in nuclear physics, within the research area of source apportionment of organic aerosols using 14C . Time-limited 1-year full time position at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science. The Faculty of Science at Lund University announces a 1-year postdoctoral position at the Division of Nuclear Physics within the research area [...] EURIAS Fellowship 2011-2012 ,France Job Description: The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 33 fellowships for the 2011/2012 academic year. It proposes 10-month residencies in one of the 14 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. The Programme builds on the [...] MRC Capacity building Studentship in Voltage-gated Ion Channel Dynamics in Cortical Neurons, UK Job Description:A 3 year PhD studentship (funded by the Medical Research Council) is available.MRC Capacity building studentship in voltage-gated ion channel dynamics in cortical neurons, will be primarily based on computational modelling. Programming Experience and some physics / maths background would be an advantage. If you are interested in applying: Make contact with prospective supervisors by email providing [...] Undergraduate Scholarships For Developing Countries 2011,UK Job Description: This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic ability who have outstanding examination results. However, financial need and social commitment are also major criteria for selection. Level of study: Undergraduate degrees Subject: All undergraduate subjects except Medicine due to the length and expense of this course Duration: Full course duration Type of student: New [...] PhD Studentship in eParticipation, UK Job Description:Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in eParticipation funded by the EPSRC. The studentship is a joint appointment between the Social Inclusion through the Digital Economy Hub and the Argumentation Research Group, based in the School of Computing at the University of Dundee. The project will explore how technologies for discussion, debate and [...] PhD Studentship in Film and Media 2010, UK Job Description: This studentship is linked to Bradford's recent UNESCO City of Film award. The "City of Film" studentship can cover any aspect of the relationship between cinema and the city, for example: • film and the city • the architecture of cinema • the appearance of architecture in film • the place of cinema in urban spaces • film and urban surroundings • people and the [...] PhD Studentship:The Role of FOXP3 in Regulating the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer, UK Job Description: There are clear parallels between immune cell invasion and cancer metastasis. Indeed, it has recently become clear that similar molecules (called chemokines) can govern both processes. Significantly, we have already built upon our work with inflammatory models to develop a novel strategy to inhibit breast cancer metastasis in experimental model systems by blocking [...] PhD Studentship: Novel Catalyst Systems for Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Synthesis, UK Job Description: Self organised nanostructures offer the prospect of accurate and scalable device engineering at an atomistic scale. Limited control of their growth is one of the largest bottlenecks towards the numerous potential applications in electronics, photonics and biology. The project focuses on the catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and device integration of graphene and carbon [...] PhD student Positions in Physics 2010 ,Poland Job Description: Active participation in one of the research projects: • Quantum communication and quantum techniques. • Study of novel multi-photon entangled states, and new ways to generate and to analyze entangled states in the experiments. • Limitations of quantum informational processes. • Characterization of information processing by quantum networks with noise. • Bound entanglement and quantum information processing. • New approach to statistical description of quantum [...] BBSRC Systems Biology PhD Studentship, UK Job Description: A three-year studentship, covering tuition fees (UK/EU only) and an annual maintenance allowance at current research council rate, is available in one of the following areas: Dynamics and evolution of biological networks in plant-parasite interactions This project aims to achieve a system level understanding of molecular interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana and one of its [...] PhD position at CINF,Technical University of Denmark Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Danish National Research Foundation's Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF) at the Department of Physics. The PhD project will be studying fundamental aspect of nanoparticle morphology, sintering and anchoring of nanoparticles. The methods used are nanoparticle synthesis by a sputter magnatron and subsequent mass selection i.e. [...] PhD scholarships in solid oxide electrolysis and solid oxide fuel cells,Technical University of Denmark The Fuel Cells and Solid State Chemistry Division at Risø DTU is seeking two PhD students to evaluate solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) for use in combination with biomass derived fuels, and solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) for the production of synthetic fuels – both key technologies in a future sustainable energy system. SOFCs and SOECs [...] Post-doctoral Fellowship in Quantitative Methods in Political and Social Science,University of Oxford The Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford proposes to appoint a Post-doctoral Fellow in Quantitative Methods in Political and Social Science for two years from 1st September 2010. The person appointed will teach graduate students in Social Science and undertake research using quantitative methods in Political and [...] International Hotel and Resort Management Scholarships 2011 Australia Job Description: General Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must: • not be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia; • satisfy Australian Government Visa requirements for international student entry to Australia; • not hold a current Australian Government Scholarship; • meet or exceed the institution's academic (qualify for the course to which you wish [...] PhD student at the Center for Systems Microbiology,Technical University of Denmark Position available for a PhD student at the Center for Systems Microbiology (CSM) Department of Systems Biology, DTU, Denmark. The project is aimed at improving our understanding of how antibiotic resistance develops in microbial communities, including the human microbiome, and how human genetic host factors influence microbiome composition and its antibiotic resistance profile. We will develop and [...] PhD project in "The Effect of cycling policies",Technical University of Denmark DTU Transport would like to invite applications for a 3-year PhD position starting in autumn 2010 or according to further agreement. The project is financed by the Road Directorate, DTU Transport, and DTU. Biking is an important means for improving the health of people, to reduce air pollution and to reduce congestion in urban areas. However, [...] BBSRC Targeted Priority PhD Studentship, UK Job Description:The objective of this 4-year BBSRC Targeted Priority PhD studentship is to explore the potential of genetically modified T cells to express a tumour targeting receptor for cancer therapy. The project will attract an annual tax-free stipend of £13,590 as well as providing full coverage of tuition fees. Due to commence October 2010, the [...] Professorship in Marine Fish Population Ecology,Technical University of Denmark Applications are invited for a position as professor with emphasis on research in Marine Fish Population Ecology. The professorship is affiliated to the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) as a contribution to the Danish National Research Foundation Center 'Macroecology, Evolution and Climate' at the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of [...] PhD Positions at BioInterfaces ,Germany Job Description: The BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIF-IGS) provides the recruitment and training platform for the BioInterfaces Research Progamme at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. The BioInterfaces Programme brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, IT specialists, engineers, and material scientists with the common goal of controlling living systems, and bridges the gap between fundamental research and [...] Postdoc in Nanotechnology,Technical University of Denmark A 2-year post doctoral researcher position in Nanoengineering is available in the Nanointegration group headed by Peter Bøggild, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, DTU Nanotech. The project is focused on developing customisable scanning probe tips for 3D AFM of deep trenches, vias, sidewalls and other non-planar structures. The Nanointegration group at DTU Nanotech is a multidisciplinary [...] PhD studentship with the Centre for Graphene Science, UK Job Description: Project title- Physical chemistry of graphene surfaces with application to biosensing A fully funded PhD studentship is available to work with Dr Andrew M. Shaw on the physical chemistry and biosensing potential of graphene in the new Centre for Graphene Science (CGS). CGS is a new EPSRC-funded interdisciplinary research centre between the Universities of [...] BrainTrack Announces Scholarship 2010,Europe Job Description: The BrainTrack Scholarship for Teaching helps current students pay for their education. Entrants must respond to essay questions that are geared toward helping people evaluate teaching as a potential career path. BrainTrack will publish those essays which prove most helpful to future students. The scholarship is open to students with at least one semester [...] Postdoc in fish stock recruitment processes,Technical University of Denmark The National Institute of Aquatic Resources is searching for a postdoc to investigate recruitment processes of Baltic fish stocks. The position is open for a 3 year period and is affiliated to the Section of Population ecology and –genetics with a research focus on processes driving survival of cod and sprat early life stages in the [...] The MiTio Foundation Scholarship 2010, Georgia Job Description: Scholarships Available: Two $1000.00 scholarships Eligibility: Any high school senior or college student who is Bilingual in English and another language (fully fluent in each) is eligible to apply for the 2010 MiTio Foundation Scholarship. Scholarship Criteria: The criteria for the award include: presenting a letter of acceptance or letter of enrollment from a school of accredited higher [...] Doctoral Studentships in Psychology, University of London, UK Job Description: Two doctoral studentships funded by the European Research Council (ERC) are available from September 2010 in the Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London. You can apply for either a 1+3-year (Masters and PhD) or a 3-year doctoral programme. You will work under the supervision of Dr Andy Bremner, as part of a [...] PhD Position in Carbohydrate Microarrays ,Denmark Job description With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD student will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within the area of carbohydrate microarrys as applied to plant cell wall glycans and the screening of carbohydrate active enzymes and molecular probes. This project will place particular emphasis on dietary [...] PhD Studentships in Oxide Functional Materials Chemistry, UK Job Description : Two PhD positions (one available to all EU citizens) are available from October 2010 in the research group of Professor M J Rosseinsky FRS ( Illustrative project areas are given below: New multifunctional materials: Transition metal oxides allow properties normally thought of as contradictory, such as ferromagnetism and [...] PhD Positions in Materials Chemistry, UK Job Description : Four PhD positions are available from October 2010 as part of the Chemical Synthesis of Transformative Extended Materials EPSRC Programme Grant. This involves the synthesis of new porous, nanostructured and oxide materials and the detailed evaluation of their properties for a range of applications. Illustrative project areas are given below. For details [...] PhD Scholarship in Structural Engineering,Sejong University, South Korea A PhD scholarship is available at the Structure Lab, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University, South Korea. Qualification: - Candidates should have a master degree in civil or structural engineering. - Candidates must have one of the following English scores. TOEIC: 630, TOEFL(PBT): 500, TOEFL(CBT): 185, TOEFL(IBT): 62, IELTS: 5.2 Financial aid: - Tuition fee will be waived. - Dormitory [...] Post Doctoral Position in Proteomic Assay Development 2010 ,Turkey Job Description: Travel and research grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (*) will be awarded to highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to perform part of their research in Turkey. ELIGIBILITY • be a non-Turkish citizen, • be at the age of 35 or under, • be [...] HEC & French Embassy Joint Split PhD.Fellowship Program for Pakistani students Application form: Please fill the form completely and pay special attention to the following points:Please do not forget to state your current position on page 5 of the form ("employment record" or "university education")! Please specify the possibility of bilateral collaborationState [...] Undergraduate History Scholarship,US Job Description: History is one of the most popular college majors, and for a good reason. Instead of reading up on interesting cultures and events during their free time, history majors can do so while earning credit hours. If history is your passion (or at least your major), you're in luck. has created a [...] PhD Studentship Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI), Ireland Job Description: Applications of these studies will be to groundwater pollution, environmental bioremediation, medical and industrial air and water systems. The position primarily involves the construction and numerical solution of mathematical models to describe the growth of bacterial biofilms in soils and on pipe walls. The student will be part of MACSI, the Mathematics Applications [...] Post-Doc at the Automatic Control Laboratory, KTH, Sweden Job Description: KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 13,300 full-year undergraduate students, 1,500 postgraduate students and 3,900 employees. The School of Electrical Engineering conducts [...] Post-Doctoral Researcher in Earth System Modeling 2010, Sweden Job Description: The work contributes to the EU Project ClimAfrica, as well as other ongoing projects. The researcher will be placed in the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis, Lund University, Sweden. The researcher will be responsible for adapting and applying the dynamic global vegetation model framework LPJ-GUESS. Model output will be evaluated against a range of observations [...] Commonwealth of Virginia Nursing Scholarship,Virginia Department of Health,USA Scholarships will be provided to full/part-time graduate nursing students who are accepted to or enrolled in a master's or doctoral level nursing program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The purpose of this program is to increase the number of nursing faculty by providing master's/doctoral students with financial support. Additionally, this program will assist Virginia nursing [...] Mary Marshall Nursing Scholarship Program,Virginia Department of Health,USA Eligibility: To be considered for a Mary Marshall Nursing Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria: 1. Residency in Virginia for at least one year; 2. Acceptance or enrollment as a full-time or part-time student in a practical school of nursing in the state of Virginia; and 3. Have submitted a completed application form and a recommendation from the Program Director [...] Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwife Scholarship Program, Virginia Department of Health,USA Eligibility: To be considered for a Nurse Practitioner/Nurse Midwife Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:Residency in Virginia for at least one year. Acceptance or enrollment as a full time student in a nurse practitioner/nurse midwifery program in the State of [...] Postgraduate Scholarship in Integrative Zoology, Sweden Job Description: The projects goal is to investigate the visual performance and the visual systems of birds using histological and optical methods and behavioural tests. Qualifications:The applicant?s undergraduate education should include a significant proportion of neurobiology and sensory biology. Previous experience of working with retina anatomy and/or behavioural tests with birds is highly desirable. For further information [...] PhD position in Chemical Physics, Lunds University, Sweden Job Description:Research on melanin photochemistry. Eumelanins, the black to brown variants of melanin pigments found in human skin, hair and eyes are considered to be highly heterogeneous oligomers/polymers derived from the oxidation of two main building blocks, 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA). Eumelanin is believed to protect the skin against sunlight induced damage, although [...] Postdoctorol Position Medical Microbiology, Germany Job Description: We are seeking a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher who can work independently. The appointee will establish a new molecular diagnostic setup to conduct research projects in the field of clinical microbiology. Moreover, there is a chance to perform basic research in the field of infection biology (host-pathogen-interaction). Projects will be conducted in [...] National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Foundation Professional Development Scholarship for ADN Educators,USA The Professional Development Scholarship for ADN Educators was established by the N-OADN Foundation Board of Directors in 2008 for the purpose of supporting the professional development efforts of associate degree nursing educators. Criteria The applicant must meet the following criteria:The applicant must be employed in an associate degree nursing education program setting.The applicant must hold a membership [...] KUOK Foundation Post Graduate Scholarship 2010,Malaysia In order to help ease the critical shortage of scientists and researchers in Malaysia, Kuok Foundation Berhad is offering the above Scholarships to academically outstanding young Malaysians intending to pursue M.Sc. or Ph.D by full-time research in Engineering, Science and Technology at the following institutions :- 1.Universiti Malaya (UM) 2.Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 3.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 4.Universiti Putra [...] Genting Malaysia Scholarship 2010 Eligibility: All applicants must meet the following criteria when applying for the Genting Malaysia Scholarship:A Malaysian citizen, Aged 21 years old and below, Have obtained or awaiting admission to pursue a full-time degree course in a local or overseas university, Must have achieved 5As in [...] MA Scholarship on European Studies, France Job Description: Last call for unique opportunity to follow European Studies Master with remaining full scholarships in one of most prestigious European Institute!The Master Program offers the unique opportunity to learn Europe in Europe and develop perspectives for Europe's future. The programme includes semesters in Istanbul, Nice and Berlin and guarantees an international education [...] The HSBC Scholarship Awards 2010: Undergraduate Programme Scholarship,Malaysia At the world's local bank, we understand the importance of local knowledge. But local knowledge requires nurturing and development. Now in its eighth year, the HSBC Scholarship Awards aim to do just that by enabling deserving needy students to complete their first degree with a scholarship from HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad. We are delighted to inform that [...] The Culinary Trust Announces Scholarship Program for 2010-2011,US Job Description: The Culinary Trust, philanthropic partner of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, will accept scholarship applications for formal culinary education and independent study and research. There are 24 scholarships available with a value of nearly $150,000 for the 2010-2011 academic year. Scholarship selection is based on merit, foodservice work experience, culinary goals, skills and references. [...] Graduate Research Assistant in Hydrology, USA Job Description: The Watershed Hydrology Laboratory (WatHydroLab) has an opening to hire two outstanding MS and/or PhD students. The research program at the WatHydroLab addresses tropical hydrology using a combination of experimental, theoretical and numerical modeling across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Potential students will be majoring in one of the following [...] Masters Design Scholarship 2010,US Job Description: If designing is your passion, you're in luck. Through the Design Scholarship, you will have the chance to win $1,000 to help you afford an education in the field. Whether it's interior design, clothing design, or web design that inspires you, this scholarship can help you pay for the classes. With talent [...] Post-doctoral Researcher in Earth System Modelling, Sweden Job Description: Lund University is Scandinavia's largest institution for education and research in a large number of disciplines, such as engineering, natural sciences, law, social science, economics, medicine, theology and the arts. The University has over 39 000 students and approximately 6 500 employees located in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg. We have a comprehensive global [...] Baltimore Fashion Week Design Scholarship Award, Maryland Job Description: The Baltimore Fashion Week Design Scholarship Award (hereinafter called "Scholarship") program will be presented each year to registered, full time design students, who are on track to earn their Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) or equivalent undergraduate degree in fashion design or apparel/textile design, from an accredited college or university. The Baltimore Fashion Week Award Committee will [...] Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng Scholarships 2010/2011,Malaysia The Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng is a non-profit organization initiated by the founder of IOI Group,which is a large and reputable public listed group . IOI Group's core industries comprises of oil palmplantations, resource-based manufacturing such as refineries, oleo-chemicals and specialty oils and fats,as well as property development. We invite applications from qualified [...] 2010-2011 Military Officers Association of America Cape Canaveral Chapter (MOACC) Scholarship Must be descendant or ward of an active duty or retired member of the Uniformed Services of the United States, (includes Regular, National Guard or Reserve enlisted and officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, NOAA or USPHS) OR are you a descendant or ward of a deceased member of the Uniformed [...] International Hotel and Resort Management Scholarships 2011, Australia Job Description: Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School offers a grant of AUD10,000 to contribute to the successful applicants Year 2 (Only) Tuition Fees for the following program at its institution: Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) Please note: Payment of the above funds will be awarded to the successful student by direct payment off [...] Fully Funded PhD Studentships 2010-2011 ,Dublin Job Description: The School of Chemistry is offering a number of funded PhD studentships which will commence in the 2010/2011 academic year. These studentships will be 4 years in duration and will carry a stipend of €16,000 p.a. together with EU academic fees. Students will automatically be enrolled in the Dublin Chemistry Graduate Programme and [...] EURIAS Fellowship 2011-2012 , FRANCE Job Description: The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 33 fellowships for the 2011/2012 academic year. It proposes 10-month residencies in one of the 14 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. The Programme builds on the [...] Undergraduate Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries 2010 Job Description: A number of Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries. Other criteria This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic ability [...] Master Scholarships in Renewable Energy Science, Iceland Job Description: The applications are accepted on qualification and first-come/first-served basis. i.e. in case of equal qualification of two applicants, the early applicant is given the place. Therefore it is recommended to apply as soon as possible, well before the deadline. Students can send their completed application form and CV by email before the other [...] Post-Doctoral Research Fellow ,The University of Plymouth,UK Faculty/School: Faculty of Science and Technology School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Contract Type: Fixed-term for 26 months Hours: 37 per week Grade: 6 Main function of job To carry out research on a NERC funded Consortium project "Ocean Micronutrient Cycles: UK GEOTRACES" and NERC funded "Physical and chemical forcing of diazotrophy in the subtropical Atlantic Ocean." The [...] Screen Actors Guild John L. Dales Scholarship 2010 Job Description: Applicants for Transitional Scholarships will be selected in accordance with the following guidelines: * Applicant applying for the Transitional scholarship must have 10 years of vested pension credits OR a lifetime earnings of $150,000 under Screen Actors Guild jurisdiction. * Applicant shall submit a transcript of all high school, college and university courses and evaluation, [...] Hispanic Scholarship 2011, San Francisco Job Description: The Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. High School Scholarship Program is available on a competitive basis to graduating high school seniors of Hispanic heritage from selected geographical locations. Students must be enrolled full-time as a first year freshmen during the upcoming academic year. Awards are in the amount of $2,500. Eligibility Requirements - Be of Hispanic heritage - [...] PinkRose Breast Cancer Scholarship 2010 Job Description: Eligibility for the PinkRose Foundation's Breast Cancer Scholarship is limited to individuals who are legal residents of the United States of America, under the age of 25 who have lost a parent or legal guardian to breast cancer. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants must be pursuing post secondary [...] ACS Cancer Survivor College Scholarship 2011 Job Description: The American Cancer Society Cancer Survivor College Scholarship Program gives young cancer survivors the opportunity to pursue their post-secondary education from an accredited university, community college, or vocational technical school. Eligibility: - Must be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 21. Applicants must be age 25 or younger at the time of application. - Scheduled [...] Ashley Tamburri Scholarship 2011 Job Description: The Ashley Tamburri Scholarship is a four-year renewable tuition scholarship administered by The Community Foundation of Frederick County. The scholarship is awarded in memory of Ashley Elizabeth Tamburri. When Ashley received her diagnosis of a brain tumor, she began to redefine her plans and goals for living. Throughout her cancer treatment she actively [...] Stephen T. Marchello Scholarship Foundation 2011 Job Description: The Stephen T. Marchello Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships for current high school graduates who are survivors of childhood cancer. Currently, we only give scholarships in CO, CA, AZ, and MT. The amount of the scholarship varies from a $500 one time grant to a four year $10,000 scholarship. This scholarship is available for current year [...] EPSRC DTA Studentship, University of Liverpool, UK Job Description:Project Title- EPSRC DTA Studentship (Alternative routes for information storage and transport on the atomic scale)This project involves computational studies of control of the nuclear motion and charge in single molecules adsorbed on surfaces with direct relevance for molecular electronics. Objectives include modelling of conformational changes in a molecule along [...] 2010 CANERS Scholarship,California,USA 1.This application must be used by college students who are currently enrolled in no fewer than 6 units within a program related to the nursery industry, and who are entering or returning to college in a horticulture related field in the fall or spring. 2. SUBMIT all college and university transcripts from the previous five years [...] PhD Studentships in Vibro-Acoustic Transmission in Structures, UK Job Description: Applications are invited for two postgraduate students to join the Acoustics Research Unit for a three-year EPSRC funded project to carry out research that will lead to the award of PhD. The research will develop laboratory methods to measure the vibration source strength of machinery and subsequently predict the vibration and noise generated when [...] Surviving And Moving Forward Scholarship 2010 Job Description: The SAMFund provides grants and scholarships to help young adult survivors move forward with their lives after treatment. Our awards cover a wide range of needs, including (but not limited to): rent, undergraduate and graduate tuition and loans, car and health insurance premiums, gym memberships, fertility-related expenses, school books, prescription co-pays, and current [...] MPhil Studentship in Neuropsychology, UK Job Description: Project Title:MPhil Studentship (Neuropsychology testing in patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy)A 1-year MPhil studentship is available with the Liverpool Epilepsy Research Group which has an international reputation for undertaking high impact and quality epilepsy research. The post will be administered through the School of Clinical Sciences (Department of Neurological Science) at the University [...] Komen College Scholarship Program 2010 Job Description: The Susan G. Komen for the Cure College Scholarship Award Program offers college scholarships of up to $10,000 a year over a four-year period. The program assists young adults in their academic pursuits. Applicant Qualifications: * Must have lost a parent/guardian to breast cancer or be a breast cancer survivor diagnosed at 25 years or [...] PhD Research Studentship in Networked Innovation, UK Job Description: Applications are invited for a PhD research studentship within the Caledonian Academy ( in Glasgow, UK. The studentship is for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress and provides payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate (£3,450 pa) plus an annual stipend of £14,275. The successful candidate is expected [...] Applying for GRE? Join for Free! 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