College Admission Essays
I'm the no-panty girl: Yana Gupta
What do you expect after a wardrobe malfunction? Shock or embarrassment? Item girl Yana Gupta, who was recently caught on camera without panties, has chosen to take the incident in her stride and be very sporting about it. Where any lesser girl may have cringed and disappeared from the scene in sheer embarrassment, Yana suggests half-jokingly that she should perhaps now endorse some underwear brand!
Vow! Read it, See it
Chitradurga will be next Science City
Chitradurga, 200 km from Bangalore could be the science hotspot of the country as four of India's most prestigious institutions are set to strike root there.
title to a work is like a house's portal; It should invite you to go in
"A good title should be like a good metaphor. It should intrigue without being too baffling or too obvious."
Walker Percy
"The title to a work of writing is like a house's front porch.... It should invite you to come on in." Angela Giles Klocke
"In conversation you can use timing, a look, an inflection. But on the page all you have is commas, dashes, the amount of syllables in a word. When I write, I read everything out loud to get the right rhythm." Fran Lebowitz
"Read, read, read. Read everything- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write." William Faulkner
"The greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book." Samuel Johnson
"Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts."
--William Strunk, Jr.
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Journalism 'at the end of a great arc of history'
The rise of many-to-many, a 15-point love-letter to Twitter and the possible destruction of the role and funding of the press. That was Guardian News & Media editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger's back-story in
delivering the Andrew Olle Media Lecture 2010 in Sydney - "we are living at the end of a great arc of history".
Putting money where their heart is
While financial commitments by Indian companies towards philanthropy may be nowhere near that of Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, they are in their own way trying to bring about change in the lives of those less fortunate. The Infosys Foundation, Azim Premj Foundation and Biocon Foundation are among those whose well-heeled founders are setting aside resources to bring about that change.
The Azim Premji Foundation, for instance, is understood to be managing a fund of close to $1 billion from Wipro chairman Azim Premji and has been channelling this into healthcare and education.
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Private Education--Fertile Fields for Entrepreneurs, Trusts
You have chances too....
African students throng Punjab's private varsity
Imminent investment boom in private education Rising public clamour for private pre-school, K-12, vocational and higher education has created huge investment and business opportunities for venture capital funds, education entrepreneurs as well as for charitable trusts, NGOs and philanthropists. Dilip Thakore reports
Fan fiction--A Not-so-popular Literature
Scribes MAY have a future in niche journalism
By Peter Preston/The Observer
Early on Wednesday morning, I did what all modern American election obsessives do naturally. I didn't turn on the radio.