Social Science Research Methodology

Overview: - Science subjects are broadly classified in to physical science and social science. Social science consists of matters related to social institutions, social groups, human behavior and human life. They comprises of subjects like behavior science, anthropology,  demography, commerce, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, sociology, social work,
 law, linguistic, public administration, management and education. All these subjects are separate branches of knowledge which support the education to a great deal. Man conduct researches on these subjects and generate further knowledge for the developmental purpose of education.
Influence of social science: - Social science is entirely different from physical science since it deals the matter related to human being's life, environment and culture. The nature of human beings and the living environments are very complex and it is very difficult to realize and foresee the behavior of human beings with respect to physical phenomena. There won't be persons with similar thoughts, drives and emotions. Nobody is capable to tell about what is going to happen in the very next moment.
Generally human behavior is governed by numerous factors like social culture, environment, secular, biological and psychological conditions. Among the complex diversity of human behavior it is very difficulty to trace out its hiding uniformity. With the help social science research and analysis the human life can be analyzed, explored and conceptualized so systematically. More over the social science research provides social occurrences which are totally unexpected and help to clarify the doubtful and complex factors of social life.
Importance of social science research: - The goal of social science research is to discover new factors and to verify old factors. Like physical science social science cannot be considered as the exact science. It is meant to understand the human behavior and its relationship with the environments, situations and institutions where social culture is highly related. Another requirement of social science research is to develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories. All these materials develop reliable study of human behavior and social life. The social science research consists of numerous functions. They are discovery of facts with reliable interpretations, diagnosis of problems and their analysis, suitable planning for the purpose of development, control over social phenomena, systematization of knowledge, social welfare and prediction. On evaluating these functions it can be understood that the study of social science researches have no limit at all and the materials of researches are infinite. The materials dealing by social science research people are groups of social phenomena, various phases of human life and every stage of past and present developments. Since human beings are living in a world which is qualified with social, economical and political features the above mentioned tools of researches are inevitable as far as the social science research process is concerned.
Conclusion: - The social science research performs the interdisciplinary approach of human life and at the same time it cannot be classified in to social, economic, political and psychological aspects. The total study on the isolated events of man's life is capable to provide certain meaningful outcome. The study of social problems from one direction is not the correct way to make researches and analysis with respect to that problem. The procedures and theories following to make these studies must be in such a way to develop a reliable and valid result.          

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