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Jackfruit Evangelist Jayan honored in Civil Society Hall of Fame
Jayan sets out with his plants |
Villagers used to call him crazy. But now a growing number call him mashe or teacher. Kaittally Raman Jayan, 46, like the jackfruit tree he campaigns for, maintains a dignified silence whether he is ridiculed or praised.
"I don't understand why people neglect the jackfruit tree. It has the capacity to feed the whole family. It is an excellent tree. Like the coconut, the jackfruit too is a Kalpavruksha, a wish-fulfilling tree," says Jayan passionately. "In fact, India should declare jackfruit as our national fruit, just as Bangladesh has done."
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for Law and Economics (EDLE)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Doctorate in Law and Economics
Description The importance of Law and Economics within modern legal
scholarship continues to expand. Today, Law and Economics has
Description The importance of Law and Economics within modern legal
scholarship continues to expand. Today, Law and Economics has
New Media-Jamsheer
Communication is transmitting the information one person to another. It requires a sender, a message, an intended recipient and a medium. Media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The word medium comes from the Latin word medius (middle).
‘We want…’ – a collection of children’s thought on education
Children and youth
are very important stakeholders of the society which we often forget. Sometimes
we create such a
scenario and setup
at home/school/society that children are forced to withdraw themselves from
taking active participation in decision making processes. There are a number of
organizations and individuals who are working actively for long to address this
In this context,
DRCSC had organized this
Targeting Dalits
The police action against Dalits in Paramakudi leaves indelible scars on
the psyche of the oppressed people all over Tamil Nadu.
S. Dorairaj/ Frontline/Sep24-Oct07,2011
The Tamil Nadu Police, in its modern avatar, reflects a glorious tradition of over a century and a half. It was the only force to embark on State-sponsored modernisation in the early 1990s which was pioneered by me during my first tenure as Chief Minister from 1991 to 1996. Seizing the opportunity, the Tamil Nadu Police transformed itself into a mature and modern force with a humane face and unique approach to people and problems....”
A plea for education: The Tamil documentary ‘Enakku Illaya Kalvi?'
The Tamil documentary ‘Enakku Illaya Kalvi?' powerfully portrays the
state of school education in Tamil Nadu.
S. Dorairaj/Frontline/Sep24-Oct07,2011
film, produced by the Institute of Human Rights Education (IHRE) and directed
by the writer and orator Bharathi Krishnakumar, stresses the need to liberate
the sector from the stranglehold of commercialisation and also from caste- and
class-based prejudices.
How green is biofuel?
York Times News Service/ October 3,2011
say policy makers have overestimated the potential for bioenergy to cut
greenhouse gas emissions. There are concerns that large patches of forest and
grassland will be cleared or burned to grow fuel crops. Another cause for
concern is that growing food crops (displaced by fuel crops) elsewhere will
release carbon into the atmosphere, writes James Kanter
Poverty a Cruel Joke: with planning panel's Rs 32 a day idea
India Today / Archive / Special
Report / October 10, 2011 / Story
The primary
policy purpose of a well-defined poverty line in India and elsewhere is to be
able to target entitlement programmes properly. The Government of India has
been far from efficient in helping out the poor through welfare programmes over
the years. Now it has found a way keep them out of the statistics.
Read more at:
Less And Lesser: AP’s BPL criteria is befuddling
Anuradha Raman /Outlook/October 03,2011
The Planning Commission submission to
India’s highest court that the poor are defined as those who earn Rs 25 or less
a day in rural areas and Rs 32 or less in urban locations would have made for a
good joke if it wasn’t so tragic.
Great grain lottery
Andhra: Can
Kiran Reddy's scheme of offering rice at Re 1 a kilo to the poor win him
popularity as CM
No Look-Wages! A minister vows to root out ‘nokkukooli’--the onlooker wages
Outlook/October 10, 2011
Easing The Load...
- ’Attimari’ is an extortionate
system of wages that headload workers’ unions in Kerala imposed for
loading/unloading goods
- If you use outside workers, the
union insists on compensation, ‘nokkukooli’, literally, wages for looking
on. Union might has kept this practice alive for decades.
- Labour minister S.B. John has
vowed to root out nokkukooli, starting with Trivandrum.
Read More:
abject poverty, and not citizens of any country
Indo-Bangla agreement on swapping enclaves brings little cheer to residents of these nowhere lands
enclaves are concentrated mostly in Cooch Behar district of India and Kurigram,
Lalmonihat, Nilphamari and Panchagarh districts of Bangladesh. Thousands have
resided in them for decades in abject poverty, without being recognized as
citizens of either India or Bangladesh.
Turning on itself: UID project being undermined
Express\04 October 2011
Right to Information Act has been one of the biggest policy imprints of the
UPA. It rests on the premise that the government and the governed are on the
same side. The government, or parts of it, have attacked the RTI for causing
disruptions and inconveniences, or relaying “frivolous petitions”. Another
instance is the Unique Identification Number, Aadhaar — great expectations were
pinned on the project. However, of late, as the UPA fights for its own
survival, and as various internal skirmishes become visible, the UID project
has been undermined by forces within the government.
Stopping the loot
Hindu/ October 4, 2011
robust new law to regulate mining in India is overdue. The proposed Mines and
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2011 is the central government's
response to a full-blown crisis in the sector.
Minorities want the proposed Women’s Code Bill aborted
Bill ‘owing’ anger
Renjith Leen/ The Week/October 2, 2011
Certain controversial recommendations of the proposed Women’s Code Bill 2011, which was submitted to Chief Minister Oommen Chandy on September 24 by the 12-member Commission on Rights and Welfare of Women and Children headed by Justice (retired) V.R. Krishna Iyer, have raised the hackles of the two communities.
Women across India do more farm work than men on average
Surinder Sud: Ladies first:, and it's time they got their due
Surinder Sud / Business Standard/ October 4, 2011
Various studies and surveys have clearly brought out the fact that women generally do more farm work than men. For instance, a study by the UN FAO indicates that in the Himalayan hills, the time spent by women performing farm operations is more than thrice than that of bullocks and more than twice that of men. It estimates that, on average, women put in 3,485 hours of farm work per hectare per year against 1,064 hours by a pair of bullocks and 1,212 hours by a man.
Health in crisis
There are fears that curative health care will be left to the private sector, while the public system will handle preventive and low-quality care.
Mohan Rao /The Frontline/October 08, 2011
AN issue of The Lancet earlier this year highlighted some of the problems with public health in India, acknowledging that “it is in crisis”. The robust economic growth over the past 20 years has not translated into better health indices; indeed the decline of infant and child mortality rates has been far less than expected and maternal mortality rates have plateaued.
Investments key to improve education
Amutha Kannan/The Hindu/ October 3, 2011
The president of All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Organisations (AIFUCTO), A. James William, was on a visit to Coimbatore. He spoke to The Hindu-Education Plus on issues relating to higher education.
Read More:
India's higher education system needs better leadership
Business Standard /October 10, 2011
The quantitative growth of higher education in India, witnessed over the past decade – with more institutions, more seats, more posts and, above all, more funding, has not translated into equal qualitative development. This despite the fact that India’s equally poorly run schooling system produces hundreds of thousands of world class pupils every year and many of them go to the best institutions worldwide and do shine. Clearly, India’s higher education needs a fix.
Read more:
Aarogyasri lays thrust on govt hospitals
BS Reporter / Business Standard/ 03 October 2011
The Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, set up by the Andhra Pradesh government four years ago to facilitate implementation of health insurance to the poor, is planning to focus more on government hospitals over private hospitals. The trust has already de-listed 97 private hospitals due to lack of infrastructure facilities and for not following the stipulated guidelines.
Read More:
Blanket ban on plastic bags; violators to face 5-year jail
PTI /Times of India/ October 2, 2011
In a major environment-friendly move, the Delhi government will impose a blanket ban on usage and manufacturing of plastic bags in the next two months and those violating it could face imprisonment up to five years and fine of up to Rs 1 lakh or both.
Read More:
'Cities are the major polluters'
DHNS/Deccan Herald, 03 October 2011
Cities have become major contributors of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants responsible for climate change. They consume 75 per cent of energy and emit 80 per cent of greenhouse gases.
Women's battle against bottle finds echo in global workshop
Staff Reporter/The Hindu/ 07 October 2011
The saga of the battle against the bottle launched by the SHG women from an upland village in West Godavari district found its echo in an international workshop on ‘women and water' held in Sri Lanka a few days ago. District Collector G. Vani Mohan, who represented the State in the workshop, made a power-point presentation on women empowerment laced with a slew of success stories by the SHG women.
Woman breaks into army male bastion, becomes first lady jawan
PTI/Deccan Herald/October02, 2011
Another glass ceiling has been broken in the Indian Army with a mother of two becoming the first woman jawan.
Read More:
Handloom centres change the life of tribal women of Kudremukh national park
Bharathi karanth/The New Indian Express/07 October, 2011
The Textile Department’s initiative to empower the tribal woman of Kudremukh National Park area is yielding good results and the success rate is high compared to other parts of the state where similar schemes were introduced.
Skill training centre coming up at Thuvakudi
S. Ganesan/The Hindu/ 04 October 2011
The BHEL Small and Medium Scale Industries Association (BHELSIA) is all set to open a skill training centre at Thuvakudi to train unemployed youth in welding, fitting, painting and other trades in the second week of this month.
Experts welcome setting up Expert Body on poverty
Press Trust of India / Business Standard/ October 03, 2011
Welcoming the government decision to set up an expert committee to look into poverty estimates, former Union Minister and noted economist YK Alagh said the new definition should take into account aspirations of the people.
No poverty line cap for social schemes, food entitlement: Montek
Gargi Parsai/ The Hindu/ October04, 2011
Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh, however, declared at a press conference that the government favoured de-linking of food entitlement and other social programmes from the present poverty line that was derived from the Suresh Tendulkar Committee's findings.
Lakhs without rations In Chhattisgarh: It's bureaucratic enthusiasm
Aman Sethi/ The Hindu/October 6, 2011
CG govt cancelled almost 3 lakh ration cards during a recent verification drive. Govt figures and an investigation by The Hindu suggests the drive may have affected many genuine beneficiaries
Modi has done wrong by arresting Sanjeev Bhatt: Hazare
Press Trust of India / Business Standard/ October 04, 2011
Anna Hazare today said that Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi had done "wrong" by arresting IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt as the matter was with the Supreme Court. "Bhatt has submitted an affidavit in the Supreme Court. The matter is with the Supreme Court. Then what is the need to arrest him. This is wrong," Hazare told a press conference.
Quality education is the only way forward, says CII meet
Staff reporter/The Hindu/October 03, 2011
“Creating partnerships with educational institutions will be crucial for frontline infrastructure projects in the country,” said M.R. Srinivasan, former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, while delivering the keynote address during the inaugural session of the national summit on ‘Quality in Education'.
Centre to establish vocational education cell within CBSE
Spl correspondent/The Hindu/October 08, 2011
The Centre will establish a vocational education cell within the Central Board of Secondary Education as per the revised scheme of Vocationalisation of Secondary Education, which includes imparting vocational education in Classes XI and XII. The revised scheme has been approved for implementation in the remaining period of the current Five-Year Plan.
Students are Jack of all languages but master of none
Ritika Jha/Indian Express/04 October 2011
On the concluding day of three-day 33rd annual conference of linguists on Monday, various national and international experts offered a perspective on the teaching of English and mother tongue. At the conference, Sarah Deverall, Head of Examinations at British Council, New Delhi, said, “An assessment of the test results of students who enrolled with us for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in the last two years, shows that more than 80 per cent could not score beyond band 5 on a scale of 0 to 9 in any of the language skills.
Read the article:
67% teachers are not comfortable with CCE
Manash Pratim Gohain/ TOI/ September 29, 2011
A nationwide survey of the Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation (CCE) scheme has thrown up significant findings. Two years after CBSE introduced CCE system, a staggering 67% of the teachers are still grappling with it, while 58% of them have a negative or indifferent approach towards it. The only stakeholders of the scheme who are in favour of it are the students — 64% of the students from the surveyed schools find the new system better.
Big media bungles it, Small ones sport a smile - 2
Don't miss the third para. Joe
News Trends Tilt Toward Niche Sites: By David Carr/NYT
Apart from the specific business issues feeding the travails of web
majors like Yahoo and AOL — sinking traffic and profits at both — they
provide yet another lesson of the Internet age: as news surges on the
Web, giant ocean liners like AOL and Yahoo are being outmaneuvered by
the speedboats zipping
News Trends Tilt Toward Niche Sites: By David Carr/NYT
Apart from the specific business issues feeding the travails of web
majors like Yahoo and AOL — sinking traffic and profits at both — they
provide yet another lesson of the Internet age: as news surges on the
Web, giant ocean liners like AOL and Yahoo are being outmaneuvered by
the speedboats zipping
Have a flair for investigative journalism? Approach an NGO
Key role in investigative journalism now played by NGOs
By Roy Greenslade/Guardian
Paul Lashmar, a former investigative journalist and now acting head of
journalism at Brunel University, sees reasons to be cheerful about the
state of investigative journalism in Britain. He points to "the rise
By Roy Greenslade/Guardian
Paul Lashmar, a former investigative journalist and now acting head of
journalism at Brunel University, sees reasons to be cheerful about the
state of investigative journalism in Britain. He points to "the rise
Wanted -- Someone to report as journos march to protest job loss
As newspaper shares slide, City expects drastic change
By Roy Greenslade/London Evening Standard
A group of journalists are highlighting their anger about newspaper
redundancies by dressing as cowboys and cowgirls. On Wednesday
morning, 38 members of the National Union of Journalists in Sutton
By Roy Greenslade/London Evening Standard
A group of journalists are highlighting their anger about newspaper
redundancies by dressing as cowboys and cowgirls. On Wednesday
morning, 38 members of the National Union of Journalists in Sutton
Book clubs? Say that again
In A Sign Of The Times, Bertelsmann Closes Its Book Clubs Division
By Laura Hazard Owen/
Book clubs were once an essential revenue stream for the book
publishing industry, with millions of customers buying discounted
books directly. But today, with deep discounts and wide selections
offered by online retailers, book clubs have become much less
important to the publishing industry. In a nod to
By Laura Hazard Owen/
Book clubs were once an essential revenue stream for the book
publishing industry, with millions of customers buying discounted
books directly. But today, with deep discounts and wide selections
offered by online retailers, book clubs have become much less
important to the publishing industry. In a nod to
'For BBC, a time for breaking tears'--Feedback
Horrible wastefulness and duplication of coverage by the BBC. Is it not?
Kurian Pampadi, Journalist
Original mail:
Hundreds of BBC News jobs at risk in attempt to cut costs by £89m
Reporters among 8,000 staff under most threat from World Service
merger with News after licence
Kurian Pampadi, Journalist
Original mail:
Hundreds of BBC News jobs at risk in attempt to cut costs by £89m
Reporters among 8,000 staff under most threat from World Service
merger with News after licence
emPOWER ME - food for thought @ the new academic year
Parenting Perspectives May 2011 | |
eM-Power Me Every year I grow – I add years to my age, class to my schooling, and knowledge to my bank. But how much do I grow as a person? At the start of this academic year – I would like teachers (and parents) to focus on growing me, making me stronger, richer, more resourceful and |
Employers look outside print for recruits
Don't miss the last para.
Job seekers hunt for openings on LinkedIn, Facebook: Survey
PTI/The Economic Times
New Delhi, May 9: Reflecting the rising popularity of social media,
more than one-in-five job seekers surveyed in India are
Job seekers hunt for openings on LinkedIn, Facebook: Survey
PTI/The Economic Times
New Delhi, May 9: Reflecting the rising popularity of social media,
more than one-in-five job seekers surveyed in India are
APU: Exemplary gift to Indian Edu
With the Azim Premji University all set to receive its first batch of students on July 11, excitement is building up within the country’s academic community about this unprecedented education-centred philanthropic initiative of media-shy Bangalore-based IT billionaire Azim Premji who has earned a global reputation as a man with the Midas touch, Dilip Thakore reports
Azim Premji Uni: Articles in Malayalam
അസിംപ്രേംജി സര്വ്വകലാശാലയില് മാസ്റ്റര് ഡിഗ്രി കോഴ്സുകള്ക്ക് അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിച്ചു
ഭാരതത്തിലെ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസരംഗത്തിന്റെ ഉന്നമതിക്കായി ലാഭേച്ഛയില്ലാതെ പ്രവര്ത്തിക്കുന്ന ആദ്യ സ്വകാര്യ സര്വ്വകലാശാലയായ അസിം പ്രേംജി സര്വ്വകലാശാലയുടെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തില് അധ്യാപകര്ക്കും ബിരുദധാരികള്ക്കുമായി ബിരുദാനന്തര കോഴ്സുകള് തുടങ്ങുന്നു. 2001 മുതല് രാജ്യത്തെ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ഉന്നമതിക്കായി പ്രവര്ത്തനങ്ങള് നടത്തുന്ന അസിം പ്രേംജി ഫൗണ്ടേഷനാണ് സര്വ്വകലാശാല സ്ഥാപിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്.
പുരോഗതിയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനവാഹനം വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമാണെന്ന കാഴ്ചപ്പാടോടെയാണ് സര്വ്വകലാശാലയുടെ പ്രവര്ത്തനം. വിദ്യാഭ്യാസരംഗത്തെ ഘടനാപരമാറ്റങ്ങള് ലക്ഷ്യമിട്ട് അധ്യാപകര്ക്കും വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമേഖലയില് പ്രവര്ത്തി
പുരോഗതിയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനവാഹനം വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമാണെന്ന കാഴ്ചപ്പാടോടെയാണ് സര്വ്വകലാശാലയുടെ പ്രവര്ത്തനം. വിദ്യാഭ്യാസരംഗത്തെ ഘടനാപരമാറ്റങ്ങള് ലക്ഷ്യമിട്ട് അധ്യാപകര്ക്കും വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമേഖലയില് പ്രവര്ത്തി
Read from Mathrubhumi
çÆÖàÏÄÜJßW d·ÞÎàà ¼ÈÄÏßÜâKßÏáU ØÎd· ÕßÆcÞÍcÞØ dÉÕVJÈB{ßW dÖçiÏÎÞÏ ÈàABZ È¿Jß ÕøáK ØíÅÞÉÈÎÞÃí ¥ØࢠçdÉ¢¼ß ËìçI×X. §Äßæa ¦ÍßÎá~cJßÜáU ¥ØࢠçdÉ¢¼ß ØVÕµÜÞÖÞÜ ÕßÆcÞÍcÞØÕᢠÕßµØÈÕáÎÞÏß ÌtæMG ÎâKá çÉÞØíxí d·Þ¼áçÕxí çdÉÞd·ÞÎáµ{ßæÜ dÉçÕÖÈJßÈí çÎÏí 15 Õæø ¥çÉf ØbàµøßAá¢. çµÞÝíØí èÆV¸c¢ øIá ÕV×¢ ÕàÄ¢.
Read from The Malayalam Manorama
With Scholarship, Loan, Placement
Azim Premji University commences three Master's Programmes in July 2011, in Bangalore campus. With lots of student support--scholarships, loans, placements.
M.A. Education (EQ: any graduation)
M.A. Development (EQ: any graduation)
M.A. Teacher Education (Needs 2 year teaching experience, degree/diploma in Education)
Last date to apply: May 15. Entrance Test on : May 29 (38 test centres across India. Additional Test Centres shall be alloted to interested institutions having
Azim Premji varsity opens the door to students
The newly formed Azim Premji University will start its academic programmes in July by launching three post-graduate courses — M.A. Education, M.A. Development and Master's in Teacher Education. (Read The Hindu Online)
classroom: new media, new literacies
How can teachers successfully integrate new media literacies into the classroom?
Today educators face a quandary. On the one hand there are anxieties about the reliability of internet sites and concerns regarding how to educate students to make informed online decisions. On the other hand there are, for example, government initiatives like the National Curriculum
Today educators face a quandary. On the one hand there are anxieties about the reliability of internet sites and concerns regarding how to educate students to make informed online decisions. On the other hand there are, for example, government initiatives like the National Curriculum
US SEALs shot bin Laden, Twitter shot traditional media
Seven hours before President Obama's announcement and many hours
before traditional media breaking it, a computer programmer was
live-blogging the final moments of bin Laden, albeit unknowingly.
'I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it'
Computer programmer unwittingly tweets description of operation which
live-blogging the final moments of bin Laden, albeit unknowingly.
'I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it'
Computer programmer unwittingly tweets description of operation which
E-Books Explosion Will Displace Paperbacks, and Apps
As paperbacks wilt, publishers face disintermediation
By Benedict Evans/Enders Analysis
Market data and industry anecdote point to an explosion in ebook sales
in the US and UK in 2011. Leading consumer publishers are seeing ebook
sales at 10-15 percent of total sales in January and February, driven
by Christmas device sales.
So far ebooks had been strongest in niches: romance, business books
Market data and industry anecdote point to an explosion in ebook sales
in the US and UK in 2011. Leading consumer publishers are seeing ebook
sales at 10-15 percent of total sales in January and February, driven
by Christmas device sales.
So far ebooks had been strongest in niches: romance, business books
Robot journalist outwrites human sports reporter
Looks like it's game up for many sports reporters
By NPR Staff
A while back, All Things Considered brought you the story of a
breakthrough technology: the robot journalist.
Okay, so it's not really a robot. It's actually a software program.
You feed it data, it processes that data, and it spits out a news
story putting those numbers you gave it into context — just like you'd
see in your local newspaper.
By NPR Staff
A while back, All Things Considered brought you the story of a
breakthrough technology: the robot journalist.
Okay, so it's not really a robot. It's actually a software program.
You feed it data, it processes that data, and it spits out a news
story putting those numbers you gave it into context — just like you'd
see in your local newspaper.
Azim Premji Uni: Ex-Wiproite is VC
Bangalore, March 22 (IANS) Former Wipro executive Anurag Behar was Tuesday appointed as the first vice-chancellor of the newly set up Azim Premji University (APU) by its chancellor and Wipro chairman Azim Premji. Behar (42), who spearheaded Wipro Infrastructure Engineering division's remarkable growth, heads the
TISS & Azim Premji Foundation Collaborate
Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Azim Premji Foundation sign MoU
Establishes Azim Premji School of Education (APSE) at the Hyderabad Campus of TISS
Mumbai- April 7, 2011: Azim Premji Foundation (APF) and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish the Azim Premji School of Education (APSE) at the Hyderabad Campus of TISS. The APSE at TISS Hyderabad will offer degrees and continuing education programmes, and also
Sweat Equity: What's it? How?
The nitty-gritty of sweat equity
Amitabh Singh (Source: The Hindu BusinessLine)
Sweat equity, very literally put, are equity shares that the company issues to an individual in consideration of his services, knowhow or any other value addition that the company has benefited from. These equity shares can be issued free of charge or at a concession to their prevailing value. Here is a quick Q&A on the subject:
Amitabh Singh (Source: The Hindu BusinessLine)
Sweat equity, very literally put, are equity shares that the company issues to an individual in consideration of his services, knowhow or any other value addition that the company has benefited from. These equity shares can be issued free of charge or at a concession to their prevailing value. Here is a quick Q&A on the subject:
Azim Premji Uni: Anurag Behar VC
Bangalore, Mar 22: Wipro Chief Azim Premji, who is also the Chancellor of the private sector deemed university, Azim Premji University, has announced the appointment of Anurag Behar, the Chief Sustainability Officer of Wipro Ltd, as its Vice Chancellor.
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