New Media-Jamsheer

Communication is transmitting the information one person to another. It  requires a sender, a message, an intended recipient and a medium. Media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The word medium comes from the Latin word medius (middle).
New media
New media is give a possibility of on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Another important promise of new media is the "democratization" of the creation, publishing, distribution and consumption of media content.
facebook, an online social network site, is an example of new media. It enable the users to publish digital text, images, video, web-links, interactive feedback of users and formation of a participant community of editors and donors for the benefit of non-community reader

New media used as a tool for social change. The WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 protest activity was a example in the use of New Media as a tool for social change. The WTO protests used media to organize the original action, communicate with and educate participants, and was used as an alternative media source.
Newspapers today seem to be more about celebrity reporting, complete with entertainment news, film reviews and horoscopes. Needless to say, the serious news audience is migrating online to their favored news Web sites to quench their need for real news.
New media Vs Conventional media

New media has some advantages rather than conventional media

1. Cost of operation

New media is cheaper over conventional media. Anyone can connect to online in free of cost to publish information. Whereas conventional media may need expensive tools to be able to spread some news.

2. Area of coverage

New media is not limited to publishing or accessing information within local scale, its scope is really wide and boundless. The published information is available in whole the earth.  Conventional media like news paper depends upon logistics operation to be able to distribute information. Radio and television also depends on the range of  their broadcasting satellite.

3. Accessibility and Usability

New media is most user friendly and very easy to publishing and sharing information. Accessing information from conventional media is generally one way. Readers, listeners, and viewers are only fed by the information controlled by conventional media operators.

4. Real time information transmission

New media is the fastest way to convey and receive information globally. It lead ti zero lag and real time transmission. Conventional media may take hours, days or eves weeks to deliver the information to public

5. Information modification

New media provides easiest access to modify information and make it even better. A blogged information is modify in anytime by its publisher. user can instantly add, delete, and change certain parts according to their preferences. In a conventional media, what’s done is done. When a particular damage is incurred, it takes times to rectify the errors.